
Fever is a rise in body temperature above ________? Fahrenheit, Celsius? We know that “fever“ is a symptom of many diseases such as infection by a virus or a bacterium. Is the term “fever“ also used to name certain diseases?  -->Answer

Human embryo

In a human embryo, at how many weeks gestation can a mass be detected that will later form into the baby’s heart and lungs?  -->Answer


Is it true that kites were used to collect weather data from the 1700's until the early 1900’s? Are kites used for any special celebrations in Japan and China?  -->Answer


Hummingbirds are known as the smallest birds. How many kinds and species of hummingbirds are in existence? What is the smallest hummingbird? Is it true that they can fly backwards and even upside down for short distances? What is their maximum speed?  -->Answer

White light

What are the colors that blend to form "white light"?  -->Answer

Characteristics of an “intelligent” human being

What are the three characteristics that people generally attribute to an “intelligent” human being?  -->Answer

Thickness of Earth’s crust, mantle and core

We know that Earth is the densest of the planets in our solar system and that it is made up of a crust, mantle and core. Which one of these three components is the thinnest and what is its average thickness?  -->Answer


The Halloween customs that are observed in North America on October 31 come from the beliefs of which people? What were those beliefs?  -->Answer

Earth Day

When is “Earth Day”? When did it start? Who pioneered the concept, and in what year?  -->Answer


Are there some people who “never” dream? --> Answer


Is it true that towards the end of the 18th century nursing was considered an unsuitable occupation for “proper” young women? How so? What events in the United States established the need for more nurses in both military and civilian life?  -->Answer


If you are making models of the Earth and Moon to show their relative size and mass and the Earth is represented as a ball of clay 6 inches in diameter (about the size of a large bagel) how big would the Moon be?  -->Answer